Ffxiv Where to See the Rabanastre Scenes Again
The Purple City of Rabanastre is a level 70 Brotherhood Raid in Terminal Fantasy Fourteen: Stormblood. Information technology is the kickoff role of the Return to Ivalice storyline, released in patch iv.one, "The Legend Returns".
- 1 Story
- 2 Objectives
- 3 Progression
- 3.1 Dalmasca Estersand
- 3.2 Crumbling Bridge
- iii.3 Muthru Boutique
- 3.4 Palace Square
- 3.5 North End
- iii.6 Garamsythe Waterway
- 3.vii Lesalia Garden Ruins
- 3.8 Lesalia Temple Ruins
- four Enemies
- 5 Treasures
- 6 Musical themes
- vii Backside the scenes
- 8 Gallery
Story [ ]
Recently, residents of Kugane woke to find hovering in a higher place their urban center an balloon unlike whatsoever ever seen. Yet while of Garlean pattern, the vessel distinctly lacked the bleak outfitting common in the Empire's warmachina. No, this was the Prima Vista, private stage for the Regal Imperial Theater Company—a troupe having won acclaim beyond Garlemald for their timeless piece of work, The Zodiac Brave Story. Which begets the question...why are they here? The answer to that question and more lies in the selfsame legend of which they sing. The legend of Ivalice.
Located in the Dalmasca Desert, the Royal City of Rabanastre was previously the upper-case letter of the Kingdom of Dalmasca before it was annexed by the Garlean Empire at around the same time as Doma. Like Doma, Rabanastre revolted several times, leading to a barbarous repression from the Empire and its abandonment by its residents.
Seeking to calorie-free the truth on the event of the legendary War of the Lions, Jenomis cen Lexentale, a famous Garlean playwright, disappeared while leading an archaeological expedition to the ruins of the city, which he believed was built on elevation of the legendary Lesalia. Following an unsuccessful rescue attempt by his son Ramza, the Warrior of Light is asked by his daughter Alma to brave the mysterious beings that have overrun the metropolis and shed light on what happened to Jenomis.
Ramza refers to Rabanastre equally "antediluvian", which means "pre-flood", implying information technology has stood since earlier the Calamity of Water over 1500 years agone. Co-ordinate to Encyclopedia Eorzea Two, without the help of the Bangaa and their skill in masonry, Rabanastre would never have been synthetic.
Objectives [ ]
- Arrive at the Crumbling Bridge
- Defeat Mateus, the Decadent
- Go far in the Palace Square
- Defeat Hashmal, Bringer of Order
- Arrive in the Garamsythe Waterway
- Clear the Garamsythe Waterway
- Defeat Rofocale
- Make it at the Lesalia Temple ruins
- Slay Argath Thadalfus
Progression [ ]
Dalmasca Estersand [ ]
Later on getting off the airship the political party arrives in the Dalmasca Estersand, after traveling a few steps the party comes across a herd of red chocobos crossing the sands.
Crumbling Span [ ]
A stone thoroughfare leading to the urban center'due south main gate, this construction was congenital to behave the weight of several dozen carriages crossing at the same fourth dimension. Its sturdiness, however, was no protection confronting the explosive firepower of the Empire'southward gunships, and the loss of this escape road resulted in substantial casualties amongst the capital's residents.
Encyclopedia Eorzea II
Mateus will use water and ice attacks confronting the players, and at the start of the battle, he will have five Ice Azers that will set on players and cast Blizzard. Once killed, the Ice Azers explode with Hypothermal Combustion.
- Unbind - Mateus releases the Goddess and she begins skating around the loonshit in a spiral to freeze water aerosol and h2o spouts, players need to run into the pocket-sized water droplets, and three players need to exist on a water spout to deactivate it. Players will also demand to defeat the Aqua spheres, and watch out for her path or she will freeze players affected with the Drowned debuff.
- Flash-Freeze - A conal attack that will occasionally hit the tank.
- Rebind - all of the Unbind mechanics will exist removed from the platform
- Blizzard IV -Mateus will summon Ice blocks that volition bargain proximity damage to players.
- Snowpierce - Column AoE that follows players.
In the next phase, Mateus will submerge the players in h2o by inflicting the Incoherent debuff. Once it reaches ten stacks, the afflicted player will die. Afflicted players must defeat Flume Toads to obtain air bubbles; they are also followed past a column AoE that pops the bubbling on contact.
Muthru Boutique [ ]
This market foursquare within the archway to Rabanastre was once filled with humming stalls. Caravans arriving in the royal capital letter would conduct their initial business here, unloading crates and other heavy cargo, as merchants ready to depart the city packed their carts and wagons with goods for the road ahead.
Encyclopedia Eorzea II
Moving across the crumbled bridge the brotherhood enters the city, and comes beyond Seeq bandits that are looting the deserted city. Non wanting to fight the seeq's take Black Chocobos fight for them and in the midst of the boxing a Ruby Chocobo appears, and summons a choco meteor, knocking out the Seeq'southward and any player defenseless within proximity. The raided chests will then transform into Rabanastran Mimics.
Palace Square [ ]
An expansive plaza stretching out before the palace, this site was reserved for royal weddings, military parades, and other such public events. When the palace chambers were commandeered past the imperial viceroy, however, the square became home to a contingent of watchful Garlean soldiers.
Encyclopedia Eorzea II
Here the players face off confronting Hashmal, Bringer of Order, he will use earth based attacks confronting players.
- Quake IV - Raid wide impairment.
- Jagged Edge - Big red circles will follow players.
- Command Belfry - Hashmall volition summon a large pillar out of the ground
- Sanction - Raid wide AoE impairment that volition also cut the pillar in a specific direction, players will need to motility to avoid being crushed.
- Extreme Edge - Hashmal volition leave and appear on one side of the platform to nuance across the arena. Become to the opposite side of the glowing arm to avoid the high damage and Flesh Wound debuff.
- Rockcutter - heavy striking tank buster.
- Earth Hammer - Hammers will appear higher up the platform, movement out of its shadow to avoid death.
For the side by side phase of the fight Hashmal will move to the center of the loonshit and cast Command Tower which will summon a giant tower that needs to be destroyed before information technology reaches 100. During this Sand Spheres will spawn and need to be destroyed by each alliance, or everyone will die. Players need to stay with their alliances for Falling Boulder. afterwards the destruction of the tower, Hashmal volition employ his ultimate attack Landwaster, dealing raid wide damage.
For the Third stage of the fight Golems will appear that need to exist destroyed or they volition go bigger and increase their impairment. Hashmal volition then motility to the middle again and apply Submission Belfry this summons 3 towers that will fall into the arena and dissever the arena into three sections, and 3 Sand Spheres volition announced again.
North Finish [ ]
Rabanastre's residential district. Once awash with the colorful awnings of street-side shops selling cheap goods or tavern fare, the Garlean occupation saw the ward emptied and renovated for the sectional use of regal citizens.
Encyclopedia Eorzea II
Following the defeat of Hashmal the political party moves onto the Northward End where they come beyond iii seeq bandits huddled effectually a treasure breast. Once opened the chest reveals 2 Archeolions, and one Archeaodemon. The Archeolions volition behave similar Chimeras, and the Archeodemon volition cast Unholy Darkness and Karma AoEs.
Garamsythe Waterway [ ]
Stretching far beneath the streets of Rabanastre, this channel was constructed to conduct in water from its source in the Skatay Range to the north. The lattice-like compages of the waterway is disruptive to navigate, and those who lose their sense of management find it all but incommunicable to find their way out again.
Encyclopedia Eorzea II
Jumping into the depths the party finds themselves within the Garamsythe Waterway, each Alliance will exist split up up, and accept different routes, route B will accept players underwater and discover hidden writing on the walls.
Lesalia Garden Ruins [ ]
These ruins of an ancient civilization were discovered deep beneath the globe. Jenomis cen Lexentale, the man who discovered them, insists they are the remnants of legendary Lesalia, the royal capital letter of Ivalice, merely thorough archaeological surveys have withal to be conducted to substantiate his claims.
Encyclopedia Eorzea Two
After trekking through the Waterways, players will come across the forgotten Royal City of Lesalia. Traveling downward into the Lesalia Garden ruins reveals the monster Rofocale, a Lucavi demon residing within the garden.
- Crush Captain - four concrete vulnerability attacks, and a terminal attack on the tank.
- Chariot - volition target a actor and accuse at them.
- Cry of Victory - An power that volition affect half of the loonshit, move backside to avoid.
- Crush Weapon - Will target random players with AoEs.
- Trample - Rofocale will move into a figure 8 blueprint that volition trample players.
- Maverick - Clones volition spawn around the platform and blitz in a straight line.
Somewhen Rofocale volition move to the center of the loonshit and begin charging his Aetherial Acceleration meter, during this he will summon three Archeaodemons that need to be defeated within a prison. In one case defeated Rofocale will circle around the arena and utilise Heavenly Subjugation to avoid this players demand to motility to the reverse side of where he stopped. For the adjacent stage of the fight Rofocale will use some new abilities.
- Embrace - round traps that will bind players, that have walked over information technology.
- Pomp and Circumstance - Proximity based damage.
- Dark Geas - The loonshit will become dark and players will be affected with a bleed debuff, players will demand to interact with all circles on the ground to survive.
Lesalia Temple Ruins [ ]
Idea to be a monument to the gods of eld, the true nature of this timeworn but impressive edifice—and the religion once practiced within—remains an enigma. Academics eagerly await for at-home to prevail in Dalmasca that they might attempt a more than accurate appraisal.
Encyclopedia Eorzea II
Farther on into the ruins the party finds Jenomis unconscious on the far end of the area, A human being appears and transforms into the Lucavi Demon Duma. He introduces himself as Argath Thadalfus and proclaims to be the rightful king of Ivalice. During this fight doing mechanics incorrectly or being hitting past sure attacks,will give a stackable Unnerved debuff, at iii stacks players volition turn craven and run around aimlessly.
- Crippling Blow - Hard striking tank buster.
- Crush Weapon - Will target random players with AoEs.
- Soulfix - Point blank AoE assail.
- Divine Commandments - Argath volition summon masks, and whichever mask flashes you lot either have to obey or disobey the mechanic. White affections face is obey, and the Bluish demon face is disobey.
- Trepidition - Meteors volition fall down into the platform, that need to exist stood in.
- Unrelenting - Frontal attack.
- Judgement Blade - 2 players will accept blades over their heads that will drop long cross shaped AoE's.
- Coldblood - Boss disappears and a proximity marker will appear.
- Royal Blood - Multiple copies of Argath will appear as Shades and tether to players, these need to be defeated or they will use Unholy Sacrifice and unnerve players.
- Empty Soul - Argath will summon Shards of Emptiness that must be destroyed before the judge is filled.
- Nighttime Ultima - Power used later on shards are destroyed or estimate is filled.
- Gnawing Dread - Confuse character and the arrow above your head volition spin indicating the direction of where you lot're going.
- Fire 4 - Raid wide damage.
Enemies [ ]
- Mateus, the Corrupt
- Ice Azer
- Ice Slave
- Blizzard Three
- Azure Guard
- Flume Toad
- Black Chocobo
- Rabanastran Mimic
- Hashmal, Bringer of Order
- Control Tower
- Sand Sphere
- Pennantstone Golem
- Stout Seeq Bandit
- Seasoned Seeq Bandit
- Staunch Seeq Bandit
- Archeaodemon
- Archeaolion
- Rofocale
- Argath Thadalfus
- Shade
- Shard of Emptiness
Treasures [ ]
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Musical themes [ ]
The Imperial City of Rabanastre features music from Last Fantasy Tactics. "Trisection" plays in all areas except during dominate battles.
"Sharp Gainsay" (named "Battle on the Span" on the Final Fantasy Tactics: Original Soundtrack) plays while fighting Mateus, Hashmal and Rofocale, while "Ultima's Transformation" (named "Ultima, the Nice Body" on the Final Fantasy Tactics: Original Soundtrack), plays during the boxing with Argath Thadalfus. "Victory" plays upon completion of the duty.
Backside the scenes [ ]
This is the first appearance of both Rofocale and Duma, Lucavi names that were shown in the background of the saving screen in Concluding Fantasy Tactics.
The writing in the tunnels of Road B in the Garamsythe Waterways dates back to the War of the Lions.
The lines Argath Thadalfus uses are phrases he says to other characters in Concluding Fantasy Tactics.
Gallery [ ]
- Artworks
Rabanastre falls.
Prima Vista and the Rabanastre ruins.
- Screenshots
Garamsythe Waterway.
Lesalia garden ruins.
Argath holding auracite.
Rofocale fight.
Gear dropped from Rabanastre
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Source: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/The_Royal_City_of_Rabanastre_%28Final_Fantasy_XIV%29
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